On-site and Online initiatives towards the promotion of Human Rights

One of the strategic areas of Lisbon Youth Centre (CJL) is Human Rights Education, namely those of young people. Therefore,  CJL promotes the #direitoaterdireitos campaign by carrying out various initiatives, like training activities (both on-site and online), workshops, webinars, awareness raising sessions, among other activities organized in cooperation with its partners.

The aim is to promote Human Rights, namely the right to: associativism; culture; sports; education; training; information; health; recreation and leisure; work and volunteering, as well as to foster the democratic participation of young people, facilitate the process  of competency acquisition and rewarding experiences, so important for growing and  for exercise of youth citizenship.

This campaign is carried out on-site in CJL or in its online platforms, namely Facebook and Instagram, where, beyond this Centre’s initiatives, we share information about our national and international partners which promote the right to have rights.

Rua de Moscavide, Lote 4.71.01 Parque EXPO


1998-011 Lisboa

Updated: 23/04/2022


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